Who Am I?
I AM Blaise Navarro
Hello and welcome.
We have a flood of spiritual healers coming into the world right now. And it's about time. And we are each different and unique with both the ways we work and what skills or techniques we employ.
Below you will find my story of becoming. What led me to walk a spiritual path and the techniques I have picked up along the way. Not as a credentialing tool or bragging, but as a way to let you know who I am and where my methods or techniques come from.

My Story of Becoming
As so many of these stories begin, I felt connected to Spirit since my early early childhood.
I was born, quite suddenly, under a Full Moon. You could say Spirit wanted me to specifically be born under that phase because it was as an emergency C section birth the day before my due date. One way or another I was going to come into the world under a Full Moon in 1989.
As I was a child, I always felt my most free being outside. Running around in fields barefoot, exploring the woods, finding and playing with wild animals. My dad was scared of snakes...I got in trouble many times for picking up wild snakes and playing with them. Once I even got in trouble for picking up and playing with an armadillo I found digging near a creek. If only they knew how many times I got to pet wild foxes and catch frogs and once a coyote that I just thought was a stray dog.
But being in nature and wasn't the only thing "weird" about me. I heard voices, I would see things that weren't there, things would tug on my shirt and say, "Stop. Don't go that way." There was always presences around me. And dreams! Oh the dreams I would have growing up! I would try to talk to my parents and other adults in my life about these experiences. But they would always hush me and say not to talk about things like that. We were a very superstitious non-practicing Catholic family on one side. And a loose Baptist family on the other.
Slowly I started to bottle up about my experiences, but that didn't stop them from happening. Between the years of 2000 and 2001 I started attending a Baptist church at my own choice. It was something that, while I had lots of Christian influence in my family, I did as I began to look for answers to my experiences. Sadly I met the same rhetoric as I had found with my family. To keep it quiet and not talk about my experiences. Around 2002 to 2003 I started to get books that my Mimi would buy for me. She wasn't necessarily opposed to my reading them even though she was probably the most Christian woman I ever met. These books were on the subjects of Aura Reading, Astral Projection, Astrology, and Dream Dictionaries. I was hoping for maybe answers in those subjects as well as continuing my deep dives into the Bible. So this was all happening between the ages 11 and 14. My family was going through some things around this time and they also became more active in the church. The books, which I had already absorbed most of the information from, were taken and thrown away, except of course the Bible.
In the year 2003, I was forced to switch from the Baptist church to a Pentecostal church. And at first I went kicking and screaming. But something good did come of it. Talking about spirits. It excited me because it was the first time I had heard any talk of spirits in a Christian setting. I started asking my questions again and, instead of getting shot down completely, if the spirits weren't Jesus, God, the Holy Ghost, or Angels then they were evil. I started thinking, "well maybe I had an angel looking out for me all this time." But it didn't explain a lot of the other things I was seeing or perceiving. In 2004 at the age of 15, despite objections from my parents who thought meditation was evil, I taught myself meditation. The form I developed for myself was under Expansive meditation and reconnecting with nature itself. And it was a wonderful teacher of the connectedness of all life. And still I remained studious in the church and followed all of the rules.
Between 2005 and 2007 I started connecting to a different group of friends in high school. They weren't the typical people in a small country town. They were different with different beliefs and views. They made me curious and I went from being devoted to my religion to questioning it. I turned to my growing meditation practices and started having realizations on the synchronicities and signs and omens. By 2007 at the age of 17 and shortly before I became 18, I read a passage from the Bible and then that Sunday listened to the Pastor try to pray for a curse upon his very congregation. I spoke out against it in the middle of the service and left. I never went back. At this time I was working of course so I had money to buy my own books. I found all sorts of literature and pdf books that I could read online though. I devoured them. In my time away from home I would try some exercises learning a multitude of techniques. Most of this was focused around meditation, Chakras, energy working, and herbalism.
In 2010, I found The World of Shamanism by Roger Walsh. It was not a "guide book" or "how to manual" but simply a study of Shamanic practices found around the world. I was fascinated with how diverse and rich the practices were and yet how many similarities they had despite the lack of technology or direct way to communicate across the globe. I wanted to know more about this practice on a deeper level. Something was whispering in my ear, "this is for you find it and find yourself." I found the book The Beginner's Guide to Shamanic Journeying by Sandra Ingerman. I had to have read it at least six or seven times. I almost committed the steps to Lower World journey to perfect memory before I finally decided to take a chance on it.
On October 2, 2011 age 22, I performed my first journey. I popped in the CD that accompanied the book. I put on the fifteen minute track first and followed the steps. I followed a tunnel that I visualized for what felt like hours. And then just as I saw a flash of something fly by me, the return drums began to sound. Nope!! I finally saw something after what felt like eternity. I knew I saw something and I was not about to give up then. The next track on the cd was thirty minutes long. So I ignored the return drums and just kept flying on through the tunnel. As the drums started for the longer track, I found the "membrane" described in the book. I pushed through it and that became the longest thirty minutes of my life. There was so much information that happened in that moment. I went on the journey with the intent to find a power animal in the lower world. While that did happen what also happened was my first teacher waiting for me. He said to me, "I've been watching you your whole life and I'm so glad we can finally meet face to face."
Since that night, it has been a long process of healing and learning. I continued to study other paths in the meantime. Mostly returning to energy work, meditation, chakra healing, and herbalism. But there have been sprinklings of many other paths here and there. There have been ups and downs and short pauses. Naysayers and exploiters. But I found that I grew strongest and most effectively when utilizing shamanic methods and working with spirits. In 2022 after another short pause, I connected strongly again with spirit. I almost always went to spirit with the intent, "Teach me what I need to know." In 2022 that intent brought some unexpected lessons. I was being taught healing techniques that I had never seen or heard of before. Of course there was Soul Retrieval and Extraction work talked about in books. But that wasn't what I was being shown. It was different new techniques. The problem was, I had no way of applying these techniques to others. My practice had been completely personal and focused on my own healing for 11 years. But I realized that I had built a castle of amazing gifts to be shared, yet I was alone on a deserted island.
I sought out a teacher and found one very nearby. I reached out via email stating that I had been doing this practice for a while but I was open to starting back at the roots because its never a bad idea to go back to the basics. And they responded, "'Coincidentally,' I have a core training in two weeks." I did everything I could to make it to that training. The timing for it was just too perfect to pass up. I have since also been trained in healing techniques which gives me the basis to utilize the additional techniques spirit has shown me.
I am excited to finally be in a place in my life where I can be of service to others. To be a conduit of healing and growth for others. I welcome you and accept you for who you are.
Thank you for reading and getting to know me a little. I cannot wait to also get to know you!
A Quick Timeline Summary of Story

When a tree falls and becomes hollow it is not a sign of death, but of life as it provides a home for a community of beings in harmony.

Catholic and Baptist Influences. Chose Baptist Church in 2001.
Began exploring spirituality. Brought to Pentecostal church in 2003
Taught myself meditation.
Continuing meditation and scrutiny leading to leaving the church.
Deep dive into alternative spiritual practices. Leading to finding out about Shamanism.
Successfully performed my first shamanic journey.
Continued spiritual practice studies and learning from Spirit.
Found mentor and learned how to apply shamanic practices for healing work with others.