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Writer's pictureBlaise Navarro

Foundations 16: Sitting In Your Spirit

Welcome to the final section of my Foundations series. We now see what we need to do for a better connection to our Body and Mind. We have at last come to the point of Spirit. 

As I said before, most new content I have seen, whether written or presented on video platforms, is marketed as “spirituality” but never actually crosses the threshold. I love the push for Mindfulness in this age, but we should remember that the Mind and Spirit are separate components. They both make the same whole along with the Body. But considering Mindfulness practices alone as “Spiritual” practices is like saying you win the Lottery, but you only want half the prize. 

Another common trope is to throw in a bunch of meditation practices with a Yahtzee shuffle of esoteric, metaphysical, and string theory physics jargon. Those usually state something about how to access or connect with the Quantum realms. Ok…sure…but there’s no explanation for what I can encounter or experience. That’s how you end up with people not having intentional, purpose-driven experiences and creating mental images rather than spiritual connections.

Intentions are the direction you are driving your energy towards. Without clear intentions, while accessing the quantum or liminal realms/spaces you can end up with infinite possibilities. You could meet a Past Life because these realms are outside of conventional time constraints. Without clear direction, you could get tricked into thinking you need to take on that specific life’s mistakes and fix them for them. You don’t. You could walk into a realm with the spirits of the dead yearning for life leading to an attachment that drains you. Apart from the random encounters, ultimately you are not developing anything more than voyeurism. 

This voyeurism breeds secretiveness, the coveting of power over rather than power with, and more fear. The voyeurism of the spiritual realms is again having a passive role rather than an active role in the work. Which leads to additional fears and misunderstandings about our spiritual connections. A lot of the fears end up aimed at ourselves. We end up fearing parts of ourselves like our Ego or our Shadow. 

The way people talk about the Shadow is one of my favorite things to challenge perspectives about. All the Shadow Work journals and workbooks I have seen have yet to be made to do actual Shadow Work. They are being mass-produced as a shortcut to clinical therapy. The Shadow itself has become villainized and marked as something we should conquer or triumph over. Again that is a “power over” mindset rather than a “power with” idea. Yet that is the mental image created rather than honest meaningful spiritual work. 

Spiritual realms are places where I find comfort whether I am dealing with my Shadow, my Light, or my Darkness. This is because there is no evil to be found when I am there. There also isn’t good. There is just existence, which is one of the best experiences I have ever had. Talk about bringing you to tears because you don’t want to leave that space. 

Just as the Body has the physical senses and the Mind has different processing centers and components, your Spirit is made of a few segments. All of these segments are a representation of a piece of yourself. When you bring these together with the Body, Conscious Mind, and Subconscious Mind you find your “True” Self. 

Foundationally, these spiritual segments are your Shadow, your Light, and your Darkness. These can be deviated more and there are the concepts of parallel lives and parallel existences as well. We want to focus on the Foundational Three because they are the most relevant to your present daily life. They represent your strengths and weaknesses, your power, and your comfort. We have to work with each of them in equal amounts to live a well-balanced life. This means that while each is great to connect with and work with, each has unique pitfalls and traps to be aware of. 

There isn’t much else I can say introductorily without going into the full breakdown. I want to make sure I give each of those segments their proper due in explanations. After we tackle Shadow, Light, and Darkness we will touch on the Higher Self and finish up with the “True” Self. But the next post will not be about any of that because I decided it is the best time to bring up the age-old debate of Good vs. Evil. I will also be describing the “structure” of spirit vs. soul and how they relate. It is just easier to get those understandings locked in before we go into the personal spirit and it will help you to understand a lot of what will be said. I have created an infographic for the spirit vs soul post to help illustrate it better as well. 

Buckle up and keep your hands and feet within the ride at all times. This is going to get a little topsy-turvy, but by the end, you will understand what it means to be sitting in your spirit.

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