As we explored in the last post, the Higher Self or Council of Self is another stage of overall awareness of self.
That has been the pattern through this whole series though. Each post has had the goal of activating your awareness of something specific. When I discussed rituals and habits you read along and wondered, “Hmm what are my habits?” In the post about Ego, you left that post thinking about how many times you got in your way and tried to shift the blame to another part of yourself. I brought up Values and you started going through the ones you do live by and then you probably looked up a list online to figure out what you should try to bring in. I gave my understanding of the Shadow and you immediately knew what your weaknesses and strengths were the moment you read that post.
Each post has been a way to offer a spark to you and open up some deep part of you that has been asleep. The purpose has been to lead you to this final stage of my Foundational Series, the “True” Self.
True is in quotation marks because it is the greatest form of the personal spirit of Self. If you look at the diagram again you will see that it goes further to Expression of Soul and beyond. Those, I don’t feel, are Foundational things to practice or sprint towards. It will take time, consistency, and dedication just to get to the point where you are working as your “True” Self. Luckily, what I have outlined can help you achieve that in a lot less time than it took me or any of the others who have reached that stage. To be honest, some who practice spirituality never get to the spiritual stages and get stuck in the Body and the Mind just going through the motions. My greatest hope is that the information I have provided can help prevent you from getting stuck too.
This isn’t going to be a long drawn-out post because the “True” Self is the easiest thing I have had to explain so far. We talked about the Body, the Mind, and your Spirit. We also outlined the six major components or “voices” of those; the Body, the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind/Ego, the Shadow, the Light, and the Darkness. The “True” Self is simply all of this coming together in something I talked about very early on, harmony. Each part is distinct and different but connected and necessary. Your “True” Self is when all of the parts are working together at the same time all the time.
Going into meditation sessions can help you meet with the different spiritual components of self sure, But after a while, you realize you don’t need to do that. You “hear” the voices at all times in your daily life and your decisions and actions become more purposeful and deliberate. This is when you know you have reached your “True” Self. I can’t teach you how to get there. No one can. All I or anyone else can do is help you light your torch to walk this path toward this stage of self. You have to carry the torch though. You have to walk the path and do the work balancing each previous component first. And when you reach this stage it is a deep knowing and understanding. That doesn’t mean you’ve reached perfection. You can and will still make mistakes but you will understand how to correct them quickly and return to integrity with yourself.
Thank you for reading my Foundational Series. The next series will be all about Pathworking through Energy and History but with my special twist. I am planning and working on a workbook for the Foundational Series to give different practices and techniques to try out. This way you’re not getting just another information dump without practical experience. That part will take time though because I want to make sure I plan and execute it well.
Until next time, I wish you the grace, resilience, and fortitude to become the greatest you can be.
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