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Writer's pictureBlaise Navarro

Foundations 6: Being Silly Works

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

You now know a little about energy and all the stuff I said before that. The next piece to discuss is so overlooked or looked down upon, yet it is so very important. This bit is where I can segway from talking about the Body and begin talking about the Mind. The Mind likes to box us in and wants to be rational and logical. We can use the Body to silence the Mind. This gives us the room to connect more closely with Spirit. Again, to have a rich fulfilling spiritual lifestyle you need to have a firm connection with Body, Mind, and Spirit. They all function better when in harmony rather than when we keep them separated.

But what's left for the Body? Just letting go and giving in to the flow. All the rest was about control because you need to be in control. You need to know your body and what a powerful sacred vessel it is. But we've all been in the experimental stages of some practice or another, if you haven’t and this happens to be the first informational blog you’ve read about this topic I strongly encourage you to experiment as much as possible. You will get mixed results. Some things will work but most things will not. Why? Because of your inhibitions, that's why.

Throughout history you see the witches chanting their spells in poetic tempos. The Shamans danced around the fire, whooping and making animal noises. The monks chant their mudras. These things have been time-honored practices...until now.

There is a growing school of thought saying you don't need to do any of that. All of that is just smoke and mirrors and for show.

“What matters is what happens in the spiritual realm.”

“Sit quietly and with perfect poise; if you think hard enough about something, it will manifest.”

Where's the work? Where's your commitment? Where is the active process of shaping energy as I discussed before? We have this incredible sacred tool called the Body and modern teachers are saying ignore it and just think about it hard enough. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” DAMN RIGHT! AND THAT MEANS WE ARE SPIRITS LEARNING HOW TO UTILIZE OUR HUMANITY TO CREATE AND SHAPE THE WORLD!

I had a friend who tried everything to get stuff to work. One day we talked about it and they were again venting their fears and frustrations. The fear was nothing would work stemming from the history of failed attempts. This created frustration in their path working because if nothing was working what's the next path to try? What more could they study and attempt? This particular day I had a thought though. "When you tried this last time...did you say your intent out loud...or did you say it in your head?" They answered in their head and said that's what they always did. I asked why. "Well because saying it out loud just seems silly to me," was their response. And that's the first time I looked at someone and said, "Being silly works."

We then had a long discussion about how speaking is a physical process and sound is a vibration. When we speak out loud that vibration reverberates around us moving and charging the energy in our vicinity. It creates a change in the very atmosphere surrounding us and expands outward. They went home that night and tried again. Lo and behold a resounding success; just because they switched from being passive to actively participating in what they were attempting.

So next time someone says the chanting, the dancing, hell even putting on a special costume or piece of jewelry is just for show, tell them, “It sure is!” It is a show for the spiritual realms and the energies surrounding you signifying, "Hey! It's time to go to work!" Those actions separate you from the logical control of the Mind expressing your willingness to be an active participant in what you are trying to do. Each action charges the energy around you and molds it to the desires you are programming into it.

Programming into it? Yes. Programming the energy around you. Energy is neutral until we charge it with emotion, intent, or values. When you charge the energy it is given instructions and then follows those instructions. What you say out loud shifts the energy around and within you, because there is a vibration that emanates from within you and extends outward. What you think shifts only the subtle energies within you because it is a contained neural electric pulse.

A really good example of this is Binaural Beats. I have spoken with a few people now who say they tried Binaural Beats and it did not work for them. I have realized that when someone says this there is a very important question to ask them. “Did you listen to them with headphones or from your TV?” 99.9% of the time the answer I receive is their TV. The .1% says mostly TV once or twice with headphones. And there is the answer to their problem. They are not even utilizing Binaural Beats in the way they were designed. True Binaural Beats audio files will have a profound effect on you WHEN LISTENED TO WITH HEADPHONES.

They are designed so that there are two layers of audio in the file. One layer is programmed to be listened to from the left ear and the other from the right. When listened to through headphones, each ear receives the signal it was meant to receive. The brain takes the opposing signals and mixes them to create harmony between the two. This harmonious sound helps the brain to put itself into a different wave of frequency. (This is referring to Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc brainwaves which I will get to in a much later post.)

When you are listening from your TV or external speakers, the sound waves are mixed in the air. Each ear is getting a little of both with a little of the mix plus differences from reverberations off walls and the ceiling. We also need to account for the distance the sound travels, which causes a loss of potency. When you are listening to Binaural beats on your TV you can no longer call them Binaural Beats. You’re listening to fancy noises. Of course, they aren’t going to work.

What does this have to do with Being Silly Works? Because we live in an age of convenience. Where we expect everything to be done for us. If it is marketed to us we want it now and we want the effect instantly. Putting on YouTube and listening to Binaural Beats on the TV is convenient. We can walk around and do other things and we think to ourselves, “Oh yeah buddy. I’m productive because I got those beats going.” Sure, if that’s the placebo you tell yourself don’t let me stop you. But that’s not the Binaural Beats working, that’s you tricking yourself. Eventually, you’re going to cuss the Binaural Beats because they “stopped working.” They never worked that way. What happened is you psyched yourself up and then ran out of steam. That’s your problem, not the tool’s fault. You tried to take the easy way out. Just admit it. There’s no shame or judgment for it. Believe me, we have all done it.

I have a role model I look up to with the utmost respect. They wrote in a book they published how they tried to ask the Fae Folk to help them with their gardening. The Fae being they met kicked them in the shin and said, “You don’t want our help, you want us to do all the work.” My role model had to be honest with themself and admit that the Fae being was right. They had to rethink their own commitment to their gardening and prove they were willing to get out and do the work too.

That is the core of what I say when I say, “Being Silly Works.” You have to get out of that place of convenience and instant gratification. You have to get into a mindset of, “I want this what do I NEED TO DO to make this goal a reality?” You have to take action. When I discussed meditation, I said Introspective styles can help you build a roadmap to your goals by making you ask yourself questions and then answer those questions. Being silly is when you perform the actions you detailed in the action plan. You can sit and think on a rock in nature every single day for 20 years. Is that going to feed you? Is that going to pay your bills? Is that going to free you from the daily grind and get you the freedom to follow your dreams? NO! Actions will get you there.

Being silly is taking charge of your life. It shuts down the Mind’s fears and constant asking of, “What if…?” In spiritual traditions, like the examples I listed above, those “silly” actions put the Mind almost in a state of shock. The Mind says, “What are you doing? This isn’t “normal. How do I process this? How do I control this?” When your Mind goes into that spiral, Spirit steps in and tells the Mind, “It’s cool, I got this.” And that is what you need to happen. Your Mind is such an important piece but when we are so focused on the Mind we are giving it extra responsibilities that it should not be taking on. Being silly helps to decommission the Mind briefly so it can pause and recharge. Your Body is performing the actions and Spirit welcomes the opening of the gates.

Again, and I am going to keep saying this, there are no shortcuts. I went through all of this learning so I could share the lessons with you. These teachings don’t rob you of valuable experience, they help you get through all the hard stuff first before the really hard stuff comes along. I am hoping to prepare the path for you. We who have done this a while should be marking the trail out in the woods. When we can no longer make a path it will be up to the next group of people to continue trailblazing. We should not make you play hide and seek with the knowledge. My writing of these posts is quickly becoming my way of being silly. I had so many nerves and inhibitions about even starting something like this. The more I type them up the more calm I feel and energized about it. This website and these posts have been a year in the making.

I needed to get out of my way and do it though. Ultimately, “Being Silly,” is the way to get out of your way, which is another phrase commonly said in spiritual practices but rarely elaborated on. Now you know. Get out there and just get silly with it. Dance a little dance when you’re having an off day at work. Shake things up. Let your freak flag fly. Let others stare and look at you crazy. The deeper you get the less they will think you’re crazy and the more they will start saying, “Hey, things are going well for you…what’s different and how can I do that too?” Being silly, while the sixth topic in my Foundations series, is the FIRST step towards Ghandi’s, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

As always thank you so much for reading along. I truly hope that you are taking something away from these posts and that they are inspiring you or answering questions for you. Have a fantastic day and I will see you again soon.

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