There has been quite a bit of information at this point. Everything discussed has been geared towards making a solid connection with the Body. We touched a small amount on the Mind, but before we dive into that completely, there should be a quick Body recap.
The Body is your most valuable tool for a spiritual lifestyle. With the Body, we can take actions necessary for our growth and empowerment. We can shape the energies around us and find consistency and stability. We find these from the actions discussed:
These are personally set routines that you perform consistently. The more they become habitual and second nature the more power they create. The basic premise is to:
Identify a goal
Identify actions toward achieving that goal
Perform the actions in a consistent frequency
Rituals, no matter how simple or complex, are adaptable and develop the discipline needed to work in every spiritual capacity.
Doing something only once or twice does not build us up to reach our goals.
A marathon runner trains regularly before a race. They do not train one day and then perform at the top tier. Discipline and consistency are what it takes and Rituals are the embodiment of these.
Rituals are proactive, not reactive.
Let Your Body Talk
The Body is a conduit for interactions with the world around us. We are not just expected to project outward, we are also expected to receive communications as well.
By synchronizing with our five physical senses, we begin to perceive subtle information growing our “clair” or psychic senses in the process. As we grow in our physical senses we begin to understand our intuition more. We begin to have the sixth sense of “knowing” which comes from the harmonious integration of all five senses working together.
We become more discerning of situations around us and understanding of how to handle ourselves. We realize what actions we should take and what to avoid.
Presence in the Present
Rituals and syncing with your body bring your awareness to the present. You can learn the lessons of the past without being stuck in them. You can set goals for the future without having to worry or stress over them.
By performing rituals, you are taking the steps needed for the goals you desire. Being aware of your body allows you to more clearly perceive information about the events happening around you.
You can pivot and adjust accordingly, ensuring your needs towards your greater good are being met. Staying present allows you to see opportunities as they arrive rather than waiting for a miracle. Even the tiniest opportunity is an asset towards goals. When we are looking behind or too far ahead we end up missing out on the moment that could have been the real spark. This prolongs the amount of work we have to do before the next opportunity presents itself.
Opportunity rarely knocks loudly, it mostly whispers. Rituals pave the way to allow an opportunity to come through and syncing with the Body allows you to hear the whisper. But it is rooted in making the most of every moment.
While mostly seen as a tool of the Mind, meditation is more a tool of the Body. When we are constantly on the go, we forget to check in with ourselves. Introspective styles of meditation help us to slow down and assess different areas of our lives. Expansive styles help us to know our roles to play and keep us within integrity. Active styles help us to take our time and process information in the moment.
Rituals allow us to develop the discipline needed to have a consistent Meditation schedule. Syncing with the Body helps us to understand when we need to take a pause and assess situations. Our presence helps facilitate the analysis and application of the information we are receiving.
Meditation is a gateway to the Mind, facilitated through control and connection with the Body.
As we do Rituals, Body Syncing, staying Present, and Meditation we grow our awareness to energies both within us and around us. We begin to “see” fluctuations and patterns. And we come to understand how our actions, words, and thoughts charge and transform the energy around us.
We become more aware of ourselves and what we project into the world. We also become aware of our environment and learn when to either excuse ourselves or be a force of change.
Everything is comprised of energy and therefore we are everything and everything is us. We learned to decode the signals from external sources and learn in what ways they help or hinder us. We create our understanding of our world rather than accepting what everyone else says. This is because we grow an intimate relationship and partnership with ourselves and the world around us.
Being Silly
When we always take the easy or convenient road we gaslight ourselves into thinking things are helping. And when our own steam runs out, we blame the convenient things as no longer working.
When we do things that may seem silly to others, we are creating a separation of the Mind allowing Spirit to come through. It may not be the most convenient thing but that is a part of doing the work. If we only think it we DO NOT “become it.” We have to perform the actions necessary to “become it.” Most of the time, those actions will push us beyond our comfort zone.
And that is exactly what you want to happen. When we are in our comfort zone, the Mind is in control. The Mind believes that inhibitions and fears, when adhered to, will keep us safe. Doing the “silly” things tells the Mind, “It’s ok. I am ok. I rise above my obstacles and failures. I am dedicated to the life I want.” This calls out to your higher self as an act of openness to live fully. This is not a sacrifice or submission of your will. This is a way to open your will and experience fullness and richness with your decisions.
The Body creates both the gateway to the Mind and Spirit. Meditation can open the gates to the Mind and Being Silly opens the gate to Spirit.
Quick Notes
Rituals: Develop consistency and discipline
Body Syncing: Develops awareness and intuition
Presence in the Present: Develops freedom and in-the-moment decision-making
Meditation: Develops our connection to the Mind, patience, discernment, connectivity, and action planning
Energy: Develops our interactions and active process of shaping our world
Being Silly: Develops our connection to our Spirit, creates separation from fear or inhibition, creates openness, and shows our dedication.
And as a final bit before we move on to the Mind, please take care of yourselves. I have in my time witnessed incredible healings take place through spiritual practices. Spiritual practices should not be considered a replacement for medical treatments. It should be supplemental and help to encourage the healing of ailments of the Body.
That being said I will say the more connected you become with your body, the more information you can give to your doctors when you see them. It is one thing to say, “Dr. I have pain in this area,” and a completely different thing to give your doctors a full list outlining everything you are experiencing. The former gives the doctors free reign to make you a guinea pig. The latter tells your doctor, “Look, I pay attention to my body and I am trusting you to help me through this. Don’t jerk me around. Let’s work together to get to the bottom of this.” You then become a partner in your healthcare instead of a participant.
Thank you so much for reading. I cannot wait to start going over the intricacies of the Mind with you. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
I will see you next time! Have a fantastic day!